As more people opt to stay in their own homes as they age or recover from illness, demand for home healthcare continues to increase substantially.
Numerous factors drive this trend, but first and foremost, patients and their families prefer it. Home healthcare enables patients to remain in the comfort of their own homes and helps avoid unnecessary trips to the hospital or doctor's office. It also saves time and money. And home healthcare can even prolong or prevent the need for nursing home care.
“As we age, we feel more vulnerable,” explains Angela Daugherty, RN, director of Visiting Nurse Association CarePlus. “And home is where people feel most comfortable.”
Daugherty heads the agency’s private-duty nursing services, as well as home-based physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. She also helps families arrange for private-duty home health aides, who assist patients with personal care needs. She and her team work to make the experience as comfortable and seamless as possible.
“Letting people into your personal space and helping you with personal care. . . it takes a lot to build that relationship,” she added. “We work with the direction of the patient’s physician, and we are very much focused on the individual.”
While private-duty nursing is not covered by most insurance, some long-term care insurance policies do include it. In many cases, Medicare covers a pre-determined number of home health nursing visits after a hospital admission. But often, people reach out to VNA for supplemental visits or for help after insurance runs out.
Daugherty explained some of the most common ways people use private-duty nursing.
VNAO is one of the few home health agencies in northeast Ohio that provides private-duty nursing. For more information, call (216) 931-1500.